Stress is defined as a state of mental or emotional strain. Everyone experiences stress to some degree and depends on individual perception.
Stress has been termed the "fight or flight" response to perceived danger. This occurs when you must defend yourself from real danger by either standing your ground and fighting or running away to a safer place. The body's physical response includes releasing a surge of hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol that cause increased glucose to the blood, elevated heart rate and blood pressure and heightened alertness by increasing the brain's use of glucose.
When sources of stress become constant and more difficult to deal with, the "fight or flight" response continues on with no let up. The constant heightened level of bodily response then begins to show negative symptoms that indicate harm to overall health and emotional well being.
Stress can occur due to physical trauma such as an accident or surgery, but also due to psychological factors such as relationship problems, pressure of school, job, or social situations like speaking before a group or meeting new people.
Harmful effects of stress can include increased blood pressure, headaches, stomach ache, muscle aches, sleep problems, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, appetite problems, weight problems, sexual problems, increased susceptibility to infections, and others.
Emotional effects can include depression, anxiety, irritability, panic attacks, feelings of helplessness, confusion, forgetfulness, guilt, mood swings and insecurity.
Social effects of stress can include job dissatisfaction, decreased productivity, marital problems, social isolation, resentment of others, angry outbursts, loss of friends.
Managing stress includes many aspects. Learning what is stressful to you and talking control is important. Developing a realistic work schedule, managing time more effectively, taking time out to relax, saying "no" when necessary, prioritizing time, delegating tasks and standing up for your rights will lessen stress.
Learning how to relax by using relaxation training techniques and meditation can be very helpful. A regular schedule of exercise like walking, swimming, or biking is often recommended along with a balanced diet.
Connecting with friends and family, talking with a counselor or therapist is often recommended. Medications are available that can reduce symptoms of stress, so discussing problems with your primary care doctor can be helpful.
Community mental health centers, the YMCA and other community organizations offer stress management programs.
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