Saturday, October 26, 2013

Should You Get a Flu Shot?

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recommends that everyone 6 months and older get vaccinated for the flu.  Flu viruses tend to change each year and thus you need the new vaccine developed to prevent the current year's strain.  October is a good time of year to get your vaccination, but as late as March will still provide some benefit.

The flu vaccines are either dead virus particles or weakened viruses and thus cannot give you the flu.  They do stimulate your immune system to develop antibodies against the actual flu virus.  It takes about two weeks after immunization for you to be fully protected.

Side effects from the flu shot can be a sore arm from the injection and occasionally short-term low grade fever and body aches.  The nasal spray flu vaccine may cause congestion, runny nose, sore throat and cough.

Ask your doctor what form of flu vaccination is best for you. 

Thousands of people die from the flu and its effects each year in the U.S..  Taking advantage of the protection of flu vaccination is a healthy choice for most people.

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