Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Probiotics - Are They Helpful?

Probiotics are bacteria that are the same or similar to bacteria that live naturally in the body and considered beneficial.  There are many probiotics on the market in the form of supplements or in yogurt.  These products often claim to offer health benefits.  However, the Food and Drug Administration has not approved probiotics for the treatment of any disease or condition.

There has been some evidence that probiotics can be safe and effective in preventing Clostridium difficile      ( C. diff. ) related diarrhea in children and adults taking antibiotics.

Pregnant and nursing women who take probiotics have been found to have babies that are less likely to develop eczema, a skin ailment, during the first years of life.

There are conflicting results in the research regarding the cholesterol lowering effects of probiotics, indicating that more research is needed.

Whether you should take probiotics is still largely a question to be answered with further research.  Many of the claimed benefits are yet to be fully proven.

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